While Victoria isn’t a really ‘mountainous’ place … there are still some places to get in a bit of a climb.
Please click on the links provided or contact the individual companies for more information.
The Boulders Climbing Gym – 1627 Stelly’s X Rd., Saanichton
Crag X Indoor Climbing Centre – 769 Pandora, Victoria
Fleming Beach – at Macaulay Point – Munro St., Esquimalt
From downtown: Take Esquimalt Rd to Lampson St and turn left onto it. At Munro turn right and park in the lot on the left. The bouldering area is at the end of this lot along the sea. There are two main areas, Fishermans Wall (by the shed), and all the rest facign the sea. Please be aware of others using Fleming Beach and be certain pedestrians aren’t inconvenienced or put in danger by climbing. Please belay and stow all gear on the cliff side of the painted line. Failure to abide by the Fleming Beach bylaws can mean closure of the area. There are many stations at the Beach and they make possible many variations of all the routes. Generations of Victoria area climbers have honed their skills here. Greg Foweraker, Hamish Fraser, Daryl Hatten, Jim Sandford, Dave Lepard – all of these “graduated” from Fleming Beach before moving on to the wider world. Due to insurance considerations the Municipality of Esquimalt requires you to obtain a licence before you can climb legally here.
Click HERE for a copy of the license form. Fees for this permit (an annual pass) is $10 and can be purchased at the Esquimalt Rec Centre – 527 Fraser St.
Mt. Wells – Colwood, BC
About (taken from British Columbia Climbing Website)
Mt. Wells, along with Mt. MacDonald are located within Regional Parks and land managers are in the process of determining recreational use. Climbing has been going on here for over 50 years and will probably continue. Mt. Wells contains steep walls and roof climbs. Although it doesn’t see the traffic that Fleming Beach gets, in the sunnier months this area does have a steady flow of climbers. The Secret Cliff is just outside the park boundary and the land manager is very concerned about liability. Please be repectful. Next to Fleming Beach, this area is probabluy the most visited climbing area in the Victoria area. The hike is almost no-existent, the rock is pretty bomber and there are grades for everybody. Directions
Head north on Highway #1 until you hit West Shore Parkway, just before Goldstream Park. Turn left onto West Shore Parkway and then take an immediate right on Amy Rd. Follow this until you hit Humpback Rd at Ma Millers Pub. Take Humpback road for 2.7 km to a pull-out. The trail head is on the right (east) side of the road.
Besides telltale use, there is a small road sign right at the trails’ beginning. Stay right, an old trails goes left and climbs a fixed rope (replaced 2006) , and you’ll pass the Prisoner Wall, then up a rocky “gully” to arrive near the Toilet Wall. By moving left (facing the cliff) you’ll spy Pancake Flake, an obvious landmark climb. This is a big south facing flake with a cleaned face located 5 meters to the left of a big roof.