Victoria has many great local coffee shops – some that even roast their own beans! If you’re a real coffee lover (I am!) I highly suggest you try some of them first!
Here is a list – in alphabetical order (This list is NOT comprehensive … many more coffee shops … almost overwhelming!)
Also check out our post on bakeries … many are also awesome coffee houses!
Bean Around the World – 533 Fisgard St Victoria, BC V8W 1R3 Ph#(250)386-7115❤️
Bows & Arrows Coffee Roasters – 483 Garbally Road Victoria, BC V8T 2W1 Ph#(250)590-7792
Cafe Fantastico
1)Quadra Village 965 Kings Road Victoria BC V8T 1W7 Ph#(250)385-2326
2) Tre Fantastico 810 Humboldt Street Victoria BC Ph#(250)590-8014
3) Dockside Green 102-398 Harbor Rd Victoria BC Ph#(250)590-2315❤️
Discovery Coffee – 664 Discovery St Victoria, BC V8T 4L1 Ph# (250)477-2323 Click here for other locations
Habit Coffee & Culture
1) 808 Yates Street Victoria, BC V8W 1L8 Ph#(250)590-5953
2) 552 Pandora Ave., Victoria, BC Phone 250 294 1127
Hey Happy – 560 Johnson Street Victoria, BC V8W 3C6 Ph# (250) 590-9680
Macchiato Caffe
1) 1002 Broad St Victoria, BC V8W 1Z9 Ph#(250) 385-8900
2) 780 Johnson Street, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 1Z9
Murchie’s – 1110 Government Street Victoria, BC V8W 1Y2 Ph#(250)383-3112❤️
(Also listed in our post on bakeries)
Serious Coffee – many locations around town … click here for addresses and hours.
Street Level Espresso – 714 Fort Street Victoria, BC V8W Ph#(250)361-9927
Union Pacific Coffee Co. – 537 Herald Street Victoria, BC V8W 1S5 Ph# (250)380-0005
2% Jazz
1) 1701 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8T 4M2 Ph#(250)384-5282
2) 105 – 740 Hillside, Victoria, BC