Macaulay Point Park – Esquimalt’s Hidden Gem
Macaulay Point Park is located in Esquimalt just a short distance from downtown Victoria. It is a hidden gem of a park that even most locals don’t know about. Indeed, it is so close that it’s only about a 10 – 15 minute drive, a 1 hour walk or a short bike ride from downtown.
Parking is at the Fleming Beach Boat Launch at 1101 Munro St. There is a bit of street parking at the end of Clifton Terrace as well. Parking is free.
Walking & Exploring
The paths at Macaulay Point Park are either gravel, level dirt or paved and are easily navigated by most people and are for the most part wheelchair accessible. The park is popular with dog-walkers and families but is also great for bird watching and even a romantic stroll!
The paths lead out to a rocky shoreline with breathtaking views of Juan de Fuca Strait and the Olympic Peninsula and west towards the entrance to Esquimalt Harbour, Fort Rod Hill and the historic Fisgard Lighthouse.
You might even get in some storm watching on the right day!
Water Access
The Flemming Beach Boat Launch is located here, operated by the Esquimalt Anglers Association. It is popular with fisherman and paddlers. The boat ramp is quite large and there are docks for tying your boat up. There are fees for launching. Check the Esquimalt Anglers Club’s website for fees.
There is a nice little beach on the very sheltered Flemming Bay. Just below the cliff, the concrete breakwater steps down onto a sandy beach, a great spot to wade or for kids to play. The water is cold boat on a hot day it can be refreshing!
Buxton Green
Buxton Green is a beautiful grassy area with benches and picnic tables overlooking Flemming Bay. It was named in honour of the Buxton family, who were respected early residents of Esquimalt. The space was originally a natural saltwater swimming pool built during the Second World War. At times, special events are held here such as Sculpture Splash.
Rock Climbing
There is a large cliff backing Flemming Bay which is very popular with local rock climbers. Even if you’re not a climber, it can be entertaining to sit back on Buxton Green and enjoy watching the climbers test their skills on the the steep rock face.
Fort Macaulay was the longest serving component of the Victoria-Esquimalt Coast Defence Fortification System, being continuously manned from 1878 until being declared obsolete in 1956. It’s purpose was to defend Victoria and Esquimalt Harbours.
The first defensive armament installed at Fort Macaulay was composed of three muzzle-loaded 7-inch guns mounted on temporary earthworks and wooden platforms. This occurred in 1878 in response to the British-Russian crisis in the Balkans.
Both Fort Rodd Hill and Macaulay Point would eventually received 6″ disappearing breech loaded coastal defense guns in modern reinforced concrete gun emplacements. These emplacements would serve through both World Wars. The concrete emplacements still remain and can be explored at Macaulay Point today.
As well as the gun emplacements, you will see some old red brick buildings which, at one time, housed a fitter’s shop, blacksmith shop and stores. Nearby you will find a covered concrete walkway which provided a hidden and protected path leading from the buildings to the gun emplacements.