Victoria is a biker’s paradise! Many streets have dedicated bike lanes so getting around town is fast and convenient.
If you’d like something different – to get you out of downtown – this is a great idea:
The Galloping Goose Trail
Size: 151 hectares (373 acres) or 60 km long
Location: Sooke, Metchosin, Colwood, Langford, View Royal, Saanich, Victoria
Classification: park corridor
Activities: cycling, hiking, horse riding, inline skating
Facilities: parking, washrooms, trail
Acquired: 1987
Visitation: 100,000-150,000/yr est (1993)
Features: a rails-to-trails conversion, named after a 1920s gasoline powered passenger car that operated on this abandoned CNR line; now passes through urban, rural, and semi-wilderness landscapes.The trail begins at the east end of the Johnson Street Bridge. Access points are found along the entire trail route. Parking areas are located at Atkins Avenue in View Royal, Aldeane Avenue in Colwood, the Luxton Fairgrounds on Sooke Road in Luxton, Rocky Point Road in Metchosin, and Roche Cove Regional Park in East Sooke.
Difficulty: Easy – mostly flat. Part paved, part gravel. Does cross some roads so be aware!
A History of the Goose
Part of the Trans Canada Trail which traverses the country, the Galloping Goose and Peninsula Trails form one of the most picturesque trail systems in Canada.
Dedicated in 1989, the Galloping Goose Trail is named for a gawky and noisy gas rail-car which carried passengers between Victoria and Sooke in the 1920’s.
The first rail tracks were laid on Island soil in 1893, with the opening of the Victoria and Sidney line. That was followed by the Vancouver Island section of the Canadian National Railway dedicated in 1911, and by the B.C. Electric in 1913.
Built upon the abandoned rail beds and trestles of that railway legacy, the Galloping Goose and Peninsula Trails connect our transportation past with our transportation future.
You can travel for nearly 60 kilometers on the Galloping Goose Regional Trail. You can cycle, walk, or ride a horse along this former rail line past some of B.C.’s finest scenery.
Part of something bigger
territory. The Trans Canada Trail will eventually link the Galloping Goose Trail north to the Cowichan Valley and
Trail Etiquette & Tips
- Share the trail and keep right except to pass.
- Cyclists yield to pedestrians, control your speed and warn other users before passing.
- Remember to bring water and stay hydrated.
- Keep dogs under control or on a leash and please pick up after your pets.
- Respect private property adjacent to the trail.
- Pass horseback riders with caution, horses may startle easily.
- At night, all users should carry a light and wear reflective clothing.
- Do your part to keep the trail clean, don’t litter.
- Please respect wildlife.
A Word of Caution
The Galloping Goose Trail moves through urban, rural and wilderness settings; the condition of the trail is often a reflection of its setting. In addition, sections of the trail are under development, or pass through areas of highway construction. We advise trail users to exercise caution and to be prepared for a variety of trail conditions.
For additional information call (250) 478-3344