The Flight Path
A 9.3km bike and walking trail around the airport. Bring the whole family to explore this unique recreational facility!
Located around the perimeter of the pastoral Victoria International Airport, come for a bike, hike or stroll and enjoy the natural beauty of the Saanich Peninsula. The Flight Path is punctuated with
intriguing pit stops, complete with interesting feature signs. It’s an educating experience about the various historical significance of the airport and its surrounding land!
There are various places to park around the path, so it’s easy to load and unload bikes, strollers & passengers. It’s all level and paved, with a lane marker thoughout to help control bikes & pedestrians.
The surrounding area is quite interesting and in spots you can see ocean, pastures, a historical church and of course … the occasional airplane!
In addition, stop to have a look at the new feature along the path – a tribute to Hospital Hill – a historical marker that commemorates the medical facility that was used by the RCAF starting in the 1940’s. It’s a beautiful place of historical interest and quiet contemplation.
Along the path you will find rest stops, restrooms, and a hydration station where you can drink as well as fill your water bottle – even a fountain for your fur friend!
An interesting and easy path for something different!